
@Article <Article name> is for marking documentation sections to tell in which article this section should be merged. You can use markdown syntax in documentation sections.


 * @Article How it works
 * # Title of the article
 * Some text
fn main() {}


@FileArticle allows you to mark a whole file is a source of documentation for a specified article.


* @FileArticle How it works

 * Documentation for `main`
fn main() {}

 * Documentation for `parse_files`
fn parse_files() {}

In that case all comments from a file will be parsed in the same way if they were marked with @Article How it works

If you want to exclude some comment from parsing you need to use @Ignore attribute in that section.


* @FileArticle How it works

 * Documentation for `main`
fn main() {}

 * @Ignore
 * This comment will be ignored.
fn parse_files() {}


@CodeBlockStart <Programming Language> and @CodeBlockEnd allow to include code from a current file as an example.


fn main() {
* @Article Usage examples
* Here you can see a function call:
* @CodeBlockStart rust
* @CodeBlockEnd


@Ignore is for ignoring a marked documentation section. [~]