
Configuration parameters: [~]

  • docs_folder - a path to a folder which will contain all generated documents.

NOTE be careful, all files in the docs_folder will be replaced by documentation files. [~]

  • project_path - an entry point for the parser [~]

  • files_patterns - unix style pathname patterns for matching files which will be parsed. [~]

  • repositories - you can specify a repository list by setting to parse and generate documentation from all repositories from the list. It can be useful if you have many repositories.

For example a microservices architecture:

flowchart TD;
  A[Documentaion repo] --> B[A repo of Mecroservice 1];
  A --> C[A repo of Mecroservice 2];
  A --> D[A repo of Mecroservice 3];


  • repository_host - an http url which will be used for creating a link to a file in a repository. For example, if you want to add links to your files for each section you can pass a value like It will be used for creating an url like this [~]

  • comment_start_string - a string which marks the start of a comments block. Example: /**

  • comment_prefix - a comment line prefix. Example: *

  • comment_end_string - a string which marks the end of a comments block. Example: */ [~]

mdbook - if true generates documentation in format of mdBook. book_name - a name of the result book. book_build_dir - a directory that contains the build result. [~]

plugins_dir - path to the plugins directory. [~]

Fundoc will read all the configuration parameters from the fundoc.json config file which should be placed into the working directory of the programm's process (generally, it's a root of a project) [~]

You can disable parsing for a part of your file or a whole file by adding this comment: fundoc-disable. If you wan't to turn fundoc on few lines below just add this comment: fundoc-enable.

In case when you don't write the enable-comment all text from disable comment until the end of the file will be ignored [~]


You can create a plugin for Fundoc to convert any text block of the following code in documentation:

{{ #your-plugin-name any text here }}

This insertion can be multiline as well:

{{ #your-plugin-name
 any text here

To create a plugin for parsing these blocks, you should add a file called your-plugin-name.html.lua into the plugins folder. By default, it's ./plugins, but it's possible to change it in the config file. Then you should add the following strings into the book.toml file:

command = "fundoc -e"

The -e artument runs Fundoc in mdBook extension mode.

And in your your-plugin-name.html.lua, you should implement text transformation like this:

function transform(text)
  result = 'transformted text' 

Fundoc calls the transform function and passes the parsed text from the marked text block. You can transform it in any way you want. [~]

[note] mdBook runs Fundoc twice. The first time fundoc should exit with 0 code. The second time Fundoc transforms the text. [~]


@Article <Article name> is for marking documentation sections to tell in which article this section should be merged. You can use markdown syntax in documentation sections.


 * @Article How it works
 * # Title of the article
 * Some text
fn main() {}


@FileArticle allows you to mark a whole file is a source of documentation for a specified article.


* @FileArticle How it works

 * Documentation for `main`
fn main() {}

 * Documentation for `parse_files`
fn parse_files() {}

In that case all comments from a file will be parsed in the same way if they were marked with @Article How it works

If you want to exclude some comment from parsing you need to use @Ignore attribute in that section.


* @FileArticle How it works

 * Documentation for `main`
fn main() {}

 * @Ignore
 * This comment will be ignored.
fn parse_files() {}


@CodeBlockStart <Programming Language> and @CodeBlockEnd allow to include code from a current file as an example.


fn main() {
* @Article Usage examples
* Here you can see a function call:
* @CodeBlockStart rust
* @CodeBlockEnd


@Ignore is for ignoring a marked documentation section. [~]